Hydraulic rod support rod, heavy mechanical air support, billboard, flip door, skylight, freight car, container, wing door, installation length L=200 joint, pressure mounted, please note
Air spring hydraulic rod bed with tatami air support, cabinet advertising board, flip door, trunk, telescopic air pressure support, installation distance 601700MM, order note: length+pressure mounted+safety
Customized and applicable Longbei Code air flip door, skylight, advertising board, industrial hydraulic rod, pneumatic component, support rod, thickened pipe diameter 15, installation distance 150mm-300mm pressure mounted
Wuxin is suitable for billboard display windows. Hydraulic support rod, hydraulic support rod, YQ /QD air spring, upward flip door, cabinet, bed frame, window, expandable heavy duty, thickened air rod, customizable installation distance of 300-390mm....
Refuse the road, move safety, block the road, block cars, block people, block the way, block the way, block the way, block the way, block the entrance of the kindergarten school, unit collision barrier, safety protection, swing fence, thickened 1.6mm...